Le soluzioni da tensore momento pubblicate su questo sito possono essere utilizzate citando la fonte:
Saraò A. and CRS staff (2013). On line catalogue of moment tensor solutions of earthquakes occurred in NE Italy and its surroundings since 2009.
Saraò A. (2016). On line catalogue of moment tensor solutions of earthquakes occurred in NE Italy and its surroundings in the period 2014-2016.
Saraò, A., Sugan, M., Bressan, G., Renner, G., and Restivo, A.: A focal mechanism catalogue of earthquakes that occurred in the southeastern Alps and surrounding areas from 1928–2019, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 13, 2245–2258, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-13-2245-2021, 2021.